Friday, July 8, 2022

Destination Confirmed

Finally, after more than three months of waiting to hear where we'll be going in Mexico, Comexus, the Mexican committee connected with the Fulbright, assigned me my teaching post. I will be teaching English to young adults at the Universidad Politécnica Francisco I. Madero in the state of Hidalgo. This is a community college just outside of the very small town of Tepatepec, population approximately 11,000. In the coming days I will hear from my contact at the school who will help me arrange housing, but I'm thinking that Jon and I will look for a place in the nearby town of Actopan, which is larger, only about twenty minutes from the school (hopefully, there's a bus), and looks like it has more possibility for rentals (the Fulbright provides a monthly amount to cover housing and living expenses, but it's up to us to secure the accommodations). 

I'm simultaneously excited and daunted by this assignment. Part of me imagined being placed in some charming little town full of colorful buildings and a bustling town square. Part of me imagined being in a rural village composed of a series of shacks with no running water. Tepatepec seems to be somewhere in between. Actopan looks like it will be closer to the charm and bustle scenario. Regardless, it turns out that part of me is glad I'll be in a place that's neither a touristy small town nor a busy large city. 

I'm sure it will be a huge adjustment for both me and Jon (and the cat). Yes, we are used to certain creature comforts. I hope that we can learn to live without the things we're used to and enjoy the adventure of new surroundings, new foods, new acquaintances, etc. More than anything, I expect to be extremely fulfilled by the teaching experience, and by the challenge of making my research project work in such a remote area (connecting with emerging female writers and supporting them in their literary process). I think we're ready for anything the experience throws at us. I hope I'm right! 

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The Return

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